Wednesday, October 1, 2008


These may look good but don't be fooled! They definitely don't taste as good as they look!!. These little blossom drops are cooked in gem irons, therein lies part of the problem. Recipe says heat irons in very hot oven and bake in well greased gem irons, so how hot and do you grease the irons before you heat them up or before you put the mix in?

I made the mix but I don't think it was wet enough. I remember making ginger gems a few years ago and the mix was alot runnier. I decided to grease the irons after I had heated them, just before I put the mix in, the melted butter sizzled and spat everywhere. The mix was reluctant to go into the irons (too thick) then I threw the blossom drops into a 260 c (way too hot) oven, they might have turned out alot better if I did not have the oven so hot and had turned off the fan!

Well they say you learn by your mistakes....I've learnt NOT to make these ones again, perhaps I'm being too harsh but quite honestly there not worth the trouble of cleaning the irons. But on the plus side they did come out relatively easy enough and the icing was nice instead of mixing the icing sugar with water I used rose water, which did give a nice delicate flavour but the blossom drops themselves were way too dry, but the birds loved them!! Now that I've tried my best to put everybody off making them here's the recipe if your brave.


3 ounces butter

3 ounces sugar

5 ounces of flour

1 egg (beaten)

3 tablespoons milk

3 level teaspoon baking powder


Cream butter and sugar, add vanilla and beaten egg. Add sifted flour and baking powder with the milk. Bake in well greased and heated gem irons in a very hot oven 8-10 minutes. ice when cool.

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